Our mission is to promote strong communities by providing individuals access to opportunities that inspire self-reliance.
Climb Community Development Corporation is a great opportunity for young people to gain valuable work skills through on-the-job training or to get a second chance at education helping them prepare for college and life in general as a responsible adult.
With our proven track record of success, Climb CDC has the ability to give participants a classroom setting that caters to their individual growth giving them personalized attention and equipping our youth with nationally recognized certifications. These certifications give them the necessary skills for gainful employment earning a livable wage or advance to higher education by the end of the program.
Many of our graduates enter our program believing that we are their “last chance”, when really we are their FIRST STEP to Climbing the Ladder of Success.
10 students that had given up on themselves, instead found success. And with the help of Climb Community Development Corporation in Gulfport, they got their high school diplomas. The odds were against these students. They were high school drop-outs that were on the verge of becoming a burden on society. But Climb CDC, perfectly positioned in the Gaston Point community of West Gulfport, reached out and lifted them up.

Congratulations Conservation Corps’ GulfCorps Crew
On December 7th Climb Conservation Corps’ GulfCorps crew completed their Wildland Firefighter Type II training. They started off the morning with the Arduous Pack test. This event measures a crew member’s endurance as they walk 3 miles with 45lbs weight in under 45 minutes. We had seven people pass the test. Members then moved on to their hands on testing where they completed a fire line as a team and practiced the deployment of their emergency shelters. Along with a comprehensive Q and A session with subject matter experts this completed their day of testing. We are proud of all of GulfCorps crew for their hard work and dedication!
Our mission is to promote strong communities by providing individuals access to opportunities that inspire self-reliance.
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